Our Services

Moon & Yew provides a number of genealogical services custom-designed to suit your research goals. Detail and accuracy are the hallmarks of our work. We take pride in approaching your research objectives with the same care, excitement, and precision that we do our own family tree. With all projects undertaken, Moon & Yew adheres closely to the genealogical standards and codes of ethics set by the Board for Certification of Genealogists and the Association of Professional Genealogists.
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Family Tree Research

If you are looking to explore your ancestral roots, Moon & Yew can develop and execute a focused research plan to investigate the mysteries in your family line.  A fully cited report with images and extracts of records will help give you an exciting window into your past.
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Genetic Genealogy

DNA testing is an extraordinary tool that can aid you in your ancestral search, with ethnicity estimates giving clues to your family’s origins and access to genetic matches that can help uncover deeper connections. Whether you are an adoptee seeking answers about your family history or you’re just looking to achieve a stronger grasp of your genetic reports, Moon & Yew can guide you through the process.
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Record Retrievals & Photos

While many documents have been digitized, millions of records remain accessible only through physical visits to libraries, archives, and government offices, and geography and busy schedules can make such trips impossible. Whether you seek a record from a local repository or a photo of a relative’s tombstone from a local cemetery, let Moon & Yew visit on your behalf and retrieve everything you need.
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Research Planning

Are you interested in conducting your own genealogical investigation but could use some help planning your next step or organizing your research?  Moon & Yew can assist you in mapping out your research plan and help you get the most out of your searches and documents.
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